What is 'd093w1z' anyways?

What is “d093w1z”?

d093w1z” is a pseudoname. It is the the combination of two English language words, “dope” and “wizard”, written in Leet (or “1337”) speak.

The Meaning Behind “d093w1z”

The word “dope” has the following meaning in the English language:

  • Adjective: Very good or excellent.

For me, this pseudoname cleverly combines the positive connotation of “dope” (very good) with the idea of a “wizard” (a person with exceptional skills or knowledge), suggesting someone who is exceptionally skilled or knowledgeable in a cool or impressive way. Thus, it has become my username for the internet.

How to pronounce d093w1z?

d093w1z is pronounced as dopewiz (/dəʊp wɪz/).

Audio generated with the help of lexconvert, espeak & ffmpeg

espeak -v eo -s180 -p60 -a50 \
$(python -c "import lexconvert; \
print(lexconvert.convert('dəʊp wɪz', 'unicode-ipa', 'espeak'))") --stdout | \
ffmpeg -y -i - -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192k -f mp3 final.mp3

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